Sunday, November 26, 2006


On Saturday Megan got her hair cut. She got a total of 10 inches cut to be exact. She has been growing out her hair for a few years now with the idea that she would donate it to Locks of Love once it got long enough. Locks of Love is an organization that takes donated hair and makes it into wigs for kids with cancer. Megan was pretty excited that this day had come. Mom and Dad weren't so sure but she was awesome! We love the new haircut!

Megan at Great Clips just before the cut!

Look how long that hair is!

The big cut!

After - at Cibelli's to celebrate!

What a beautiful girl - she looks so much older!

Thanksgiving Photos

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving - we sure did. The whole family went over to David's parents house for the Holiday. It was a pretty quick trip but we had a lot of fun seeing May, Ronnie, Mary and Tony. Jenny, Dan and Ben came over for dinner and we got some good quality time with the little guy (Jenny and Dan too!) Enjoy our photos!
Uncle Tony and Megan

Ben and Mary Goo Goo

Dutch and May (Dutch is the newest addition to our family)

Megan, Sook Sook (Dan) and Connor

Megan and Mama

Connor isn't so sure about the whole baby thing but he loves his cousin!

Megan and Ben - she is so happy she can still carry him around

Beautiful Ben - 6 months old!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!!
We hope everyone has a fun and safe Holiday - we are off to Salem, Wish me luck driving on the pass.
GO DUCKS!! (Civil War weekend! PS Disclaimer - this is just the author's opinion - other people in the family will disagree with me and that's just too bad!)
Love David, Nancy, Connor and Megan

Friday, November 17, 2006


Hi everyone - just a quick update on our week.

Megan has had a great week. She has been working hard in school and having fun with lots of turkey art. She is almost done with her book and is trying to decide what book would be best to read over the break. She got to anchor the John Tuck News - which is a daily little news show that is broadast to the whole school. Maybe we have a news anchor in our future! ;-) She is thinking about participating in the Redmond Volleyball Club. It's a pretty big time commitment but I think she really would like to play - we will see.

Connor's wrist is healing nicely. It's still a little sore but I think he is on the mend. His basketball team played on Wed. against Crook County and we beat them something like 46 to 20. They played again last night and won against Sisters 40 to 17ish.... I can't remember the exact scores. He is playing quite a bit and is doing well. He scored 10 pts the first game and I don't know how many - 6 maybe - the second game.

David had to go to Medford on Wed. and Portland today. Been a busy crazy week for him.

Not much new for me. Just a busy week at work as always. I am trying to figure out how to fit in school basketball, travelling basketball, ballet, pitching and now volleyball into our schedule. If anyone wants to come visit come one over - just know that I will be dragging you around from sporting event to sporting event! It won't be a nice quiet weekend at home!

Hope my Ducks and Colts do well this weekend! Redmond Panthers are playing Southridge tonight in the State Playoffs! Go Panthers! I am taking a class tomorrow in Bend but other than that will try to get my Thanksgiving planning done. Any requests? Please email me!

Have a great weekend! Don't forget to get your xmas lists in to Lily - I am going to send mine in this weekend!!


Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Hi everyone! Here are some photos from our trip to Seattle last weekend. It was great to see Lily, Bill and the baby. Everyone seems to be doing great. I have been officially replaced as the baby hog - seems there is a baby hog junior also known as Megan. Niko is the perfect size for her right now and that pretty much leaves Mom in the dust. I guess I just need to go see Ben and hog on him for a while since he is getting just a tad to big for Megan to tote around.
Drive home was pretty rainy and snowy. It took us a little longer than usual. The kids slept in the car so it wasn't too bad for them. We had well over 40 miles of snow on the road - when it wasn't snowing it was raining! I think I need new windshield wipers now! :-)
Connor's wrist is doing pretty good. He had two practices yesterday and wasn't sore at all. His first game is Wednesday - will let you know how that goes. We have his wrist in a brace and his thumb taped up so he still looks like a gimp - it's all in the look you know!
Megan is going to find out about volleyball for her age group tonight. She is going to see if it is something she really wants to do or not. Guess we will know more after this evening. I just see a whole winter of conflicts between the two kids activites stretched out before me! Heck - it's half the fun........ I guess! :-)
Have a great week everyone!
Lily, Bill and Niko

Connor, May Goo Goo and Megan

Uncle David and Niko working on some new baseball hand drills - can't start that hand eye coordination thing soon enough!

Connor and Niko discuss how college teams really should be ranked in the BCS.......

Megan loves taking care of her baby cousin!

I always hoped we would have another duck in the family - I just didn't think it would be this cute! :-)

Friday, November 10, 2006

The Cast

Here is the result of Connor's Dr. appt this morning. He can use his hand with no restrictions! Whoo hoo! It may take him a good week to get the stink off and he is having some trouble moving it around but at least he can't hurt his sister with his cast anymore!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Family photos

Connor, Megan and Niko

Connor, Ben and Megan

Miss Megan right after she got her ears pierced!

Connor and his new friend the Green Monster!

Connor and David in front of the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown

It's a blustery Monday here in Central Oregon and I think I would rather be asleep than getting ready for work!

Still haven't figured out how to get pictures on here but once I do - watch out! It can't be that hard - Niko is getting his pics on! :-) Niko is my brand new baby nephew in case you are wondering. Ben is my old brand new baby nephew - it's been a boom year for the Lau family!

We have a dr. appt on Friday for Connor's possible broken wrist. They will take off the cast and re-xray and we hope it won't be broken. He made the A team for school basketball even with the cast on. I think that is pretty crazy that a gimp kid made the first team over healthly able bodied kids - I told him to be prepared to be on the B team. He is doing really well in school despite his injury. He can write pretty darn well with his left hand (thanks Dad!).

Megan is good. We had pitching lessons yesterday and she did pretty well - the week before was a challenging lesson. She is helping out in another class room a little bit every day and is in heaven over that. She has really found reading this school year, she always liked it before but now she will sit and read a lot more often than she used to.

We are heading up to Seattle this weekend to see all the family. It will be a fast trip but should be fun. Our week leading up to that should be quiet - I am repainting the kids bathroom and have Bunco here on Wed. but other than that.

Have a great week! Love to all.

Monday, October 30, 2006


Hello - This is our attempt at keeping everyone updated in our lives.

Today is Connor's 13th birthday - I do not recollect signing up for a teenager when I had this child. I am a little freaked out about being the parent of a half grown person. Just think - in three years he will have his driver's license and Niko and Ben will only be 3 years old! That is scary huh?

Megan is in heaven torturing her brother and busy telling him what to do. We are watching Chris and Monica's boys so she has extra people to boss around. Nevermind that they are all giants compared to her - she rules the roost and they listen!

Connor has basketball try-outs today and the next day - this should be interesting with his cast on. We have an appt. on 10/11 with the Orthopedist. They will take off his cast and x-ray it to see if it's broken or not. Fingers crossed it's not.

Halloween tomorrow - do you all have your costumes ready?

Pics and more blogs to come!